When did you first purchase wattson?
I think we were one of the first wattson owners – we have an original wattson Limited Edition from December 2006.
Why did you decide to purchase wattson?
we wanted to understand more about our energy use, I thought the whole family would be able to enjoy using and get something positive out of it.
Please describe your experience of setting up wattson.
All the bits were there, we put it all together and had it working pretty quickly
How did you first use it?, were there any immediate discoveries that you made of your energy use?
we got it just before Christmas, and were astonished when we found how much energy the 10 little ceiling lights in our dining room were using after we finished a family dinner – we’ve since swapped all the halogen bulbs out for low energy ones, which wasn’t easy!
Where do you keep your wattson?
we keep it in the living room, and we can see it from the door when we walk past
How often did you (and do you now) check the data on wattson?
everytime I walk past the living room door. It was a big learning curve at first, now I just look at it to see what sort of level we’re using, and try to work out what’s making it so high.
Do you think wattson has changed the way you use electricity?
yes, definitely. We turn things off whenever we’re not using, we use dishwasher and washing machine overnight when it’s a lower rate, and the tumble dryer is now just for emergencies only
What is your favourite thing about wattson?
the way I feel satisfied when it’s humming away on blue. Can I have 2 things? I like it being a talking point in my living room too. The kids like the colours best.
Any other thoughts, experiences, stories about wattson?
the children have grown up with it and so are aware of the effect they can have on it, it’s not just me having to try to get them to turn things off, we’re all working on it together. My son has now joined the eco-group at school and he tells the other kids all about it.