Wattson Homes in Marlow?
Secret files on solar energy collaborator, Part II: Dave Hampton
A review of the highly acclaimed ‘Wattson’ remote energy display meter, which comes with full-function renewable energy monitoring. £90. (One extra sensor needed. Available from the Good Energy Shop.)
Watts On Remote Power Meter
- Handy and hands on -
I have had Electrisaves, and Efergys, and Owls in the past, as you might imagine, and I am a huge fan of all of them. But the Wattson is the BMW of remote energy meters.
For those not familiar with the technology, the beauty of a remote (wireless) electricity use display unit is that you and everyone who lives in your house all get a clear signal as to how much juice you are burning up, at any moment: ie ‘real-time’ feedback. The unit shows you very clearly, with large digit LCD or LED displays, how fast the electricity meter is currently spinning. How fast you are clocking up power charges.