DIY KYOTO are agreeing with this campaign. TAKE ACTION YOURSELF and use a wattson of course :)
45 Things You Can Do About Climate Change Right Now
Oct 15th, 2009 by Easton Ellsworth
This list is raw, unedited. It was put together by several volunteers from among the thousands of Blog Action Day 2009 participants. We hope you find it useful and that you add to it in the comments below!
1. Talk to your boss at work and ask him/her to set up a training meeting for employees on how to make the workplace more friendly to the environment.
2. Take action on big scale with an organization.
3. Take 15 minutes to ask your friends on Facebook and Twitter what they think about climate change and what people can do about it.
4. Sign a peitition like this one:
5. Find out where your senators stand on the Kerry-Boxer climate bill.
6. Work with your local university or college on making your area more bike friendly. You could even help develop a bike share program!
7. Walk leave your car in the garage
8. Go vegetarian/ vegan
9. Join a local event at – it’s happening on Oct 24, 2009 worldwide
10. Stop throwing so much away. Get a pig, they eat trash like no other.
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