Energeno have recognised the real need for installers to educate homeowners on the concept of PV and how they can benefit from it, allowing them to sell more PV kits in this very difficult market.
A live sales demonstration with the right tools helps potential customers mentally picture what having Solar PV in their own home would be like, helping them make the decision to buy it.
We have therefore created the Wattson PV Sales Kit, a compact and standalone sales tool that installers can take to the homes of potential customers to increase their chances of making a sale.
The Wattson PV Sales Kit contains everything needed to give a demo anywhere, anytime and installers can very easily help their potential customers see how using energy generated through Solar PV will:
- Generate them money through the Feed-in-Tariff.
- Allow them to make additional savings
- Reduce their payback time
The Wattson PV Sales Kit includes a simple box with buttons controlling virtual appliances and a virtual Solar PV array connected to a Wattson Solar Plus display. Switching appliances or the array on or off causes the Wattson display to react in exactly the same way as it does when connected to a real home. When the Wattson glows green it shows them how much spare electricity they could be using but are currently losing to the grid. The kit also includes PV Sales tips to get the message across effectively and material to leave at the customers about Wattson Solar Plus.
If you are interested in ordering the Wattson PV Sales Kit for your installers, please contact your usual point of sale, or sales@energeno.com.