Source: Electrical Times, online 24th August 2012.
Shout it from the rooftops
Solar PV installers spend most of their time perched on roof tops, but a new technology could soon put them on 'Cloud 9.'
Traditionally, the completion of the installation marks the end of the relationship between the contractor and the customer, which presents a problem for the industry trying to champion renewable technology in the wake of the slower take-up of solar pv because of the recent debacle over the feed-in tariffs, although the Government has just announced it will not reduce FiT payments until August.
But thanks to the innovative Wattson Professional, contact can now not only be maintained, but also further developed through the remote monitoring of the panel's performance and prompt early intervention if the system fails or does not deliver the expected energy to the household or the grid. This product works with all brands of inverter, meaning that site-owners can be offered a consistent service whatever their initial choice of hardware.
The Wattson Professional, launched by energy monitoring specialist Energeno at this year's Ecobuild, is an installer-commissioned system that helps them to provide a value-added maintenance package to customers through a cloud-enabled remote service. It uses sensors to monitor installations and sends text or email alerts to installers if there are any problems.
The Professional operates through the 'cloud', a process which allows secure exchange of data through a virtual network. It also provides an online workspace for installers through which they can access details and efficiency readings across all of their installations.
End users, whether businesses or householders, have access to the energy usage online as well as their energy generation.
Consumer Bob Bevan-Jones said, “Wattson Professional has proved to be both easy to access and use. The thing I find most interesting is identifying my peak usage and generation.”
Wattson Professional is compatible with all brands of inverters and can be used with other Wattson devices including the Solar Plus, which produces data on how much power is being generated from solar PV panels as well as what profit is being made when it is generating more energy than required.
It currently uses GPRS connection but will be accessible via Wi-Fi later this year.
Haysham Ltd, based in Oxford, is one PV installation company that believes that the Wattson Professional is already making a positive contribution to its business.
Operations director Jeremy Denton, comments, “After the recent changes in FiTs, our customers are much more focused on PV system profitability over the long term. Wattson Professional will allow us to offer maintenance packages where we can detect and resolve system performance issues even before the customer is aware there is a problem. This should enable us to build the long-term revenue streams we will need to guarantee our future profitability.”
Mark Elliott, director of operations at Energeno, comments, “The Wattson Professional gives installers a real opportunity to add value to their service to customers, providing a profitable ongoing maintenance and support package which will give end-users real peace of mind.”
“It uses the latest technology to ensure that installations are working at their most efficient and assures customers that they are getting the most out of their investment. “We're delighted to be bringing yet another unique product to the market and look forward to showcasing our latest technology at Ecobuild,” he adds.