January 17, 2014

Energeno Top 10 Green Company

Source: Sustainable Business Toolkit, 16th January 2014

Making your business more sustainable and environmentally friendly is cool, but being sustainable by design is super cool!

There are many companies who have developed green business models that provide products and services that have intrinsic sustainability attributes.

In this post we highlight our top 10 super cool, super green and sustainable companies for 2014.

The list is in no particular order as we think each company has attributes that are worthy of equal recognition.

Top 10 Green Companies, 2014


Energeno designs products & services that empower individuals to better manage their energy use. The company creates beautifully designed products to help people understand and control their personal impact on the environment.

Energeno value simple things! From their humble beginnings, they have aimed to produce products of perfect convenience and utility – elegant in conception, efficient in operation.

We think they have nailed it!


Read full article by Mark Whitman.

January 15, 2014

BPVA product of the week

Wattson Solar Plus Monitoring System with Easifit

This device monitors and displays electricity consumption and generation on the same unit. Easy to install and compatible with all inverter brands. With Easifit, Wattson Solar Plus is even simpler to install.

Technical Information:
  • The display glows green to alert users when more power is being generated than used.
  • Works with all solar, wind and water generation systems.
  • Shows the electricity in use in your home at any given time in cost, watts or kg carbon for better visibility of your daily electricity activity.
  • With Easifit, Wattson Solar Plus is even simpler to install
For more FREE expert advise or to place an order, please call us on 0845 070 3406 or email us at sustainable@ehsmith.co.uk.

BPVa product of week 150114

December 06, 2013

Wattson used in Healthy Living flats - Hong Kong

Wattson Classic, Silver Lining, featured in Wall Street Journal Asia, Life & Style, Homes.

Source: http://blogs.wsj.com/scene/2013/09/03/clean-air-living-in-hong-kong/tab/slideshow/#slide/7

Wattson Classic in HK

Developer and co-owner Henning Voss is re-envisioning this 880-square-foot home in Hong Kong's Sheung Wan district by addressing health and environmental concerns.

Many features are neatly hidden in the construction of the space, including an advanced air purifier, which filters out volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, and formaldehyde. Also, a number of living air filters in the form of plants are scattered throughout the apartment. They provide both an organic aesthetic and an efficient filter for hazardous airborne particles.

This Wattson Classic energy monitor glows red when usage is high, and it will send energy consumption data wirelessly to a mobile device.

Look out for the next development in MAR 2014 - Creating Health at Home.

October 07, 2013

Optimmersion in Renewable Energy installer

Source: Renewable Energy Installer Magazine, October issue


Energeno Quarter Page Advert for REI October issue 2013

Look out for our advert in this month’s issue of Renewable Energy Installer Magazine.

We are promoting all versions of Optimmersion and are directing potential buyers to our current Optimmersion distributors.

Click here to read the issue, we are on page 12.


October 02, 2013

Optiplug is BPVA's product of the week

BPVa product of week 021013

August 29, 2013

Behavioral insights for sustainable behavior

Source: FederalNewsradio.com, published on 19th August 2013 by Amira Choueiki (Deloitte)

We all know ‘being green' can be a challenge. Whether it's remembering to take your reusable grocery bags to the store, waiting to pass by a recycle bin to toss your soda can, or riding the metro instead of hailing that cab, environmental friendliness often requires extra effort. However, we also know that collectively, these small choices can have a huge impact. Finding ways to encourage green behavior often demonstrates one of the areas that can be most difficult as it requires citizens to go against several of the ‘defaults' of human behavior - but effective tools exist. Here are a few examples.

Prime waste management with visual cues. In results published by the Danish Nudge Network (DNN) in March 2013, a reduction in food waste was directly related to plate size provided to conference attendees. At the Danish Executive Summit, two buffet lines offered two separate plate sizes - in the control group, the normal 27 cm diameter plate was offered, while in the treatment buffet line, a 24 cm diameter plate was set. All remaining food waste was collected following the luncheon and weighed, with outstanding results. The group using the smaller, 24 cm plate produced 26% less food waste than the group with the larger 27 cm plate - confirming the hypothesis that a subtle change in environment - in this case, a plate size - could influence sustainable food portioning.

Prior to this experiment, in 2011 DNN used visual cues to prime people's tendency to dispose of their garbage responsibly. In round one, researchers passed out caramel candies to passing pedestrians. Soon after, they carefully counted wrappers found in trash cans, ashtrays, bike baskets, and surrounding streets. In round two, they handed out the same candies but placed green footprints on the ground leading to nearby trash cans. Astonishingly, this resulted in 46% fewer wrappers found in inappropriate places. This concept is being applied in all sorts of ways - Wattson (which shows your household energy use and associated cost at a given time) and eFergy Showertime (which shows your length of shower and amount of water used in comparison to a set target) serve as reminders of energy and water use - visually priming in a simple, straightforward way. As the design of new smart meters and grids are developed, there is potential to consider these visual cue aspects to encourage responsible household resource use.

Make it a game. Organizations like Recyclebank have taken a carrot rather than stick approach to behavior change. They partner with companies to creatively incentivize recycling programs. Participants can ‘cash in' recycled goods for points, earning them discounts and credit at popular stores such as Target and Barnes and Noble Booksellers. Recyclebank proved that it is possible to increase participants' active involvement in environmentally friendly activities that ranged from switching to energy-saving light bulbs to buying more local produce. The Fun Theory incentivizes the development of games to encourage better behavior with a competition. Several of these efforts have focused on re-designing recycling receptacles as various arcade games, significantly increasing their use.

Read full article here.

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August 22, 2013

German Distributor featured in PV Mag online

Our German distributor Symström now has a web-shop and is selling Wattson Solar Plus as part of their product offering. 

Symström: Display leuchtet grün bei Überschuss

Source: PV Magazine DE, 20th August 2013

Das Leipziger Start-up Symström bietet in seinem Onlineshop www.stromgraf.de ein neues Design-Display, das Wattson Solar Plus an. Es visualisiert sowohl die Stromerzeugung als auch den Verbrauch des Haushalts. Es leuchtet grün, wenn die Erzeugung den Verbrauch übersteigt und noch weitere Verbraucher zugeschaltet werden können. Im entgegengesetzten Fall schimmert es rot. Das Gerät arbeitet unabhängig von Wechselrichter und Stromzählern. Es werden stattdessen Stromzangen um die Stromphasen geklemmt, die die Energie messen. Ein Sender funkt die Daten dann an das Display. Auch die Leistung von Blockheizkraftwerk oder Windanlage könne damit erfasst werden, so Symström. Per USB-Kabel lassen sich die gesammelten Daten auch auf einen Computer überspielen.


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July 08, 2013

Optiplug featured in Home Eco Savings

Source: Home Eco Savings Newsletter, June 2013.

Solar PV? Run things for free!

Those with Solar PV installed will already know that more electricity is generated during sunlight hours than can be used in the house.

Rather than exporting electricity to the grid and letting your home-grown energy go to waste, run your appliances when it is available, such as washing machines, heaters, tumble dryers, etc.

In doing so, you can increase the use of your generated electricity by as much as 30% and this will reduce your energy bill as you won’t need to pay to import it later.

Click here to find out more about Optiplug, the intelligent socket that switches appliances on automatically.


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March 26, 2013

Optiplug highlighted at Ecobuild 2013

Source: :entertaining sustainability, post by Tim Atkinson on March 25, 2013

A fortnight or so ago, ExCeL played host once again to the Ecobuild exhibition, an annual trade show themed around a more environmentally sustainable approach to building materials – well at least that’s the theory.



When it first started, Ecobuild seemed more about genuinely innovative ideas, and was as much about the ideas as the products themselves. While it was still possible to see that some stands had taken that ideas-led approach (notably Interface flooring) it seemed a bit sad that the majority of the stands were the usual ones that most of the companies presumably take to all their trade shows. Economically, it’s understandable – trade shows are a very expensive undertaking for companies, and Ecobuild will be no exception - but there’s no doubting it dulls the edge, and the show was smaller and seemed quieter than in recent years.

That said, attitudes to more sustainable building have changed, and the concept is much more embedded in minds (and planning law) than ever before, so the mainstream products on show were always more likely to reflect that anyway.

So what caught my eye? 


Finally, the makers of Wattson, my favourite energy meter, have been busy and have developed a plug called the Optiplug that, in conjunction with your solar PV panels, works out when you are generating more than you’re using, and only activates that plug during those periods – great for the solar energy miser….

Read full article.


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February 21, 2013

Maximise the energy usage of your solar PV system

Source: Which Solar Installer


When a solar PV system is generating more electricity than the home is using the 'excess' energy is usually exported to the grid. Home owners normally receive an extra 3p/kWh for this exported energy, in addition to the payments they receive for generating renewable energy.

But since a unit (kWh) of electricity costs home owners about 13p to buy from the grid it makes sense to use as much of the energy a solar PV system generates as possible. Obviously there is no point in turning on lights, or other devices which do not need to be on, but if the 'excess' energy can be diverted into things which can store the energy, or make use of it to avoid buying electricity in the evening or at night, there are big savings to be made. Controlling a PV system in this way makes great sense and can reduce the time it takes for the system to 'pay back' its' installation cost.

Wattson, the makers of the Solar Plus and other electricity monitoring solutions have now brought out two new products to help home owners control their PV systems in this way. The first is the Optiplug, which picks up signals from the Wattson Solar or Wattson Solar Plus (or Wattson XL, if it is set up to record energy generation as well as energy usage). The second is the Optimmersion, a stand alone controller which diverts 'excess' solar energy into the immersion heater in your hot water tank.

Wattson Optiplug is an intelligent socket which switches on your appliances when you have spare electricity. The smart socket learns how much electricity is used by the appliances that are plugged into it and then switches on when enough electricity is available for those appliances, switching off when electricity is no longer free. This clever little device optimises your use of your own excess generated electricity. It's only £49.95 and will save you money as soon as it's plugged in!
Find out more about Optiplug.

Optimmersion is a proportional controller to add to a Solar PV installation. It diverts 'excess' electricity to the immersion heater when surplus power is available. Optimmersion automatically harvests surplus electricity and uses it to heat water and maintain temperature level. It's a standalone system that does not require a Wattson Solar Plus to get its data, but will work very well with Wattson to show how much of your generated electricity you are using and how much power you could be using on other products in the home.
Find out more about Optimmersion.


December 03, 2012

npower's top 5 home energy monitoring tools

Source: npower blog

npower. Blog 5, November. Energy-efficient-meter.

Looking to cut the cost of your home gas and electricity bills? The first place to start is to monitor how much energy you use – and there are some fantastic apps, tools and gadgets you can get to help you. Just read on to find which energy monitoring tools made our top five…


1. The npower Home Energy Survey tool

Our Home Energy Survey tool should be the first port of call for anyone trying to make their home more energy-efficient. It’s available on the npower website and it’s free to use too.

All you need to do is answer some simple questions about your home, and we’ll provide you with a report showing you an energy rating for your home, how much your home energy costs you and what your carbon footprint is.

And, when you take the Energy Saving Survey, we’ll also provide you with some hints and tips to help you reduce the amount of energy you use – and cut the cost of your gas and electricity bills.

2. Belkin Conserve Insight Energy Monitor

This lightweight, portable energy monitor makes identifying energy-guzzling items in your home simple. Just plug it in – the socket part of the device sits between the plug for the item you want to monitor and the wall socket – and you’ll be able to see exactly how many watts of energy that item’s using, how much carbon dioxide it’s emitting and how much it’s costing you to run.

Thanks to its easy-to-read LCD screen, the Belkin Conserve Insight Energy Monitor allows you to find out which electrical equipment is costing you the most to run and enables you to see the benefits straight away when you’ve replaced your old appliances and lights with more energy-efficient versions.

3. Efergy e2 Classic 2.0

This home energy monitor has some great high-tech features and comes complete with a software package, so you can track and record your energy use on your PC for easy analysis.

Simple to set up and use, the Efergy e2 Classic 2.0 enables you to monitor your energy consumption over weeks and months, as well as see it in real time. It can to store up to 2 years’ worth of data, so it’s the ideal option if you want to see how well you’ve been doing at cutting back on your electricity use. It’s even got an alarm, which you can set to alert you when you’ve used a certain amount of energy.

4. Wattson Solar Plus

This elegant wireless energy monitor is designed for use by people who are generating their own home energy using solar, wind or water power. So if you’ve just had solar panels installed in your home, you can use this to see the benefits straight away.

The Wattson Solar Plus from DIY Kyoto shows both the amount of energy you’re using and the amount that you’re generating, and alerts you when you’re generating more than you’re getting through. It comes with its own software package, Holmes, so you can track and monitor everything on your laptop or PC.

5. The Energy Saving Trust’s Water Energy Calculator

According to the Energy Saving Trust, 23% of the average household’s heating bill is due to the cost involved in heating water, whether that’s for baths, showers, in washing machines or filling the kettle. So it pays to try and cut down on the amount of water you’re using when you’re trying to cut your gas and electric costs.

Luckily, there’s a useful Water-Energy-Calculator on the Energy Saving Trust’s website, which will show you how much water your appliances are likely to be using – and how much they could be costing you to run. It’s free to use and is a great place to go when you’re trying to work out where you can start cutting back.


October 26, 2012

How I reduced my electricity bill by 60%…

Source: Low Carbon Living Blog, posted 6th June 2012


In the 12 months from April 2011 through to the end of March 2012 I’ve managed to reduce my electricity consumption by over 60%.  I was pretty astonished by how much I’d saved and I put the majority of it down to a little gadget called Wattson.

Wattson (Watts-On!) is a wireless portable energy monitor which shows you the electricity you are using in your home in real-time.  I used what is known as the Wattson Classic (see details here) for the first 10 months before upgrading to theWattson Solar Plus soon after I had my solar panels fitted.

There are a number of energy monitors (or smart meters as they sometimes called) on the market, however, what drew me to the Wattson was its design.  I’m a sucker for good design, particularly on gadgets which is probably why my office looks like an Apple Store!  Thankfully with the Wattson it’s not a case of style over substance as the monitor can show me the following in real-time:

  • Total energy being used in my house in kWh, actual cost and CO2 emissions.
  • Total energy either being used or generated in the house – again it can be shown in kWh, actual cost and CO2 being generated.
  • Total solar energy being produced – shown in kWh, return from FITs and CO2 being saved.
  • Total solar energy that has been generated – Again it can be shown in the previous ways

The Wattson Solar Plus emits a coloured glow which immediately lets you know how much electricity is being used or produced.

Additionally the Wattson emits a coloured glow depending on your energy usage.  If I’m producing more energy than I am using it glows green.  It also learns how much energy I use when I’m not generating.  A blue glow lets me know I’m using less than my average amount of energy, a purple glows tells me I’m using my average amount of energy whilst a red glow lets me know I’m burning way more than usual. (quick turn off those lights!)  It also features a night mode (colours only) and a clock.

Anyway, enough of the technical jargon, let me tell you how the Wattson has completely changed the way we as a family consume our electricity.  In the early days before we got the solar array it really helped by showing the amount of energy each appliance was using. (I still can’t quite get over how much energy is needed to boil a kettle!)  In particular it showed the actual cost of energy for all the items on stand by (through a process of elimination, i.e. turning things off!)  You can program Wattson (through Holmes software) with the actual costs you pay for your electricity, this showed me that having my TV, Sky Box, Amplifier and Blu-ray player on standby was costing me around £60 per year!  Cue a Standby savasocket which cost £20 (see here) and this was reduced to around £10 (I still keep the Sky Box switched on.)  The best bit is it is all controlled from my all in one remote control.  One click of the off button does it all for me.

Oh, Oh.. I’m using 609 watts of electricity here and its glowing purple… cue a panic round the house to see what’s been left on!!

The other thing that was using lots of energy was the oven .  I’d always assumed that a microwave would be more energy intensive than an oven but I was very wrong.  If we can we now use the microwave in place of the oven and I think it’s saved us hundreds of pounds.  I now have low energy bulbs in every socket in the house now and I can clearly see the savings on this via Wattson. Now most of these savings have been made prior to my Solar PV installation.  Combining the solar array with the Wattson allows me to get maximum efficiency out of the array.  At any time I can see EXACTLY how much energy is being produced from the array, and as soon as I’m in negative territory (i.e. generating more than I’m using) it is the time to switch on any electrical items I might need.  If its a few hundred watts being generated I’ll make sure that any electrical device that needs charging (laptops, phone’s, iPads, batteries etc.) can all be charged for free.  If the sun goes in you know immediately via Wattson and you can just switch it off.  You can read more about my solar array here.

In this photo through my solar array I’m feeding 2.8 kWh back into the grid. Time to do the washing, ironing, vacuuming, cooking…

This really comes into its own on a sunny day when I can be over generating by 3 or 4 kWh, as soon as we get anywhere near this its on with the washing machine, dishwasher, vacuum cleaner (these three devices are probably the highest users of electricity in our household – how do I know?  Wattson of course!)  If we’ve done a lot of washing and the washing line is full outside we can also use the tumble drier using 100% renewable energy at zero costs to ourselves.  This is only used in extreme cases though.Anyway, enough of the Wattson, I must add I don’t work for them and don’t have any shares in the company in case you were wondering!  It is just a great product that I’m really passionate about.  Probably the main breakthrough Wattson provided in my house was getting the rest of the family interested in saving energy.  My partner has literally become obsessed with it which is great and although my daughter is only 4 even she is beginning to take an interest in it.

As well as watts and kWh Wattson shows you exactly how much your electricity would cost you for a year at any one time… £285 in this picture

What Wattson does is allow us to control the energy we use in our homes and its visual impact positively encourages you to look at it.  I firmly believe that this type of product will have a significant impact on not only reducing the CO2 we all burn in our households but, as I’ve proved, you can save yourself some serious money into the bargain.

I’ll dig out my last electricity bill soon which shows the energy reduction made in the same quarter the previous year.

My Electricity Bill showing my usage now and for the same period last year!!  (Note it was based on actual, not estimated readings!)


October 24, 2012

Wattson PV Sales Kits

Wattson PV sales kits now available for PV installers.

Source: Professional Electrician & Installer online, 22/10/2012.

Energeno, the company behind the renowned Wattson Solar Plus and Wattson Professional PV energy monitors, has responded to demand for its popular demonstration kit by developing a PV sales kit that can be used by installers to increase their sales of PV systems.

Wattson PV sales aid kits

 "Installers have been asking me how they can get hold of my demonstration kit which I have used to sell Wattson Solar Plus for years  to explain why Solar PV is such a good deal," says Richard Woods, Energeno's UK sales manager,  "So we decided to offer it to them." 

The kit features buttons controlling a virtual PV array and three virtual appliances – imitating the sun shining and appliances switching on or off.  The Wattson reacts in exactly the same way it does when connected to a real home, so installers can easily show their potential customers how Solar PV will generate money for them through the Feed-in-Tariff. 

Mark Elliott, director at Energeno, explains: “The demonstration kit has previously proved a valuable aid for distributors of Wattson energy monitors, to explain how solar PV works and how to take advantage of the free electricity to deliver improved payback times.

“Using the ingenious colour display of the Wattson, which glows green when free electricity is available, home owners can see how they can save money on their electricity bills as well as earn money from generating electricity.  

“We are also providing some valuable hints, tips and structured arguments for installers about how to explain the hidden benefits of a Solar PV system along with some marketing material for installers to give away to their customers, so all-in-all the kit should become an invaluable sales aid.”

October 17, 2012

Home and Away

Source: Renewable Energy Installer online, 03.10.2012

Energeno says it has designed intelligent switches which allow access to free electricity from solar PV when you’re not at home.

According to the company, traditionally, homeowners simply check their solar inverters or look at their energy monitors in the home to optimise their appliance use – but energy bill management has proved a challenge from remote locations.

Energeno, the designers and makers of the Wattson solar Energy Monitor, has now developed two new complementary smart devices to help householders save money while they are away.


The Optimmersion – Energeno describes this as is an intelligent controller that when added to a solar power installation, automatically diverts free electricity to the immersion heater when the Solar PV has produced surplus power. Installed between the immersion tank and the consumer unit, it supplies variable power for hot water depending upon the excess energy being generated. Typical savings are around £55 per year for a gas boiler and £80 for electrically-heated water.

The Optiplug – The company calls this a smart socket, that learns how much energy appliances round the home are using and switches power to them only when enough surplus energy is available to run them.

Both technologies are designed to ensure that householders have greater control over their energy use when they are not at home and ensure they are not paying for expensive electricity bought in on the day from their energy provider.

“Thousands of people who have had solar PV fitted have become armchair experts on when to use the free electricity they have generated and when they are selling it back to the grid to ensure they are cost neutral.” said Mark Elliott, director at Energeno.

October 10, 2012

Energeno introduces Opti-Range of products

Source: Solar Power Portal

Energeno, a developer and supplier of energy monitoring systems including the Wattson Solar Plus energy monitor, has launched its new Opti-Range of products at Solar Power UK 2012 which is being held this week in Birmingham at the NEC.

Designed for solar PV households, the new range comprises the Optimmersion and the Optiplug. Optimmersion is an intelligent controller which, when added to a solar power installation, automatically diverts free electricity to the immersion heater when the solar PV has produced surplus power. Installed between the immersion tank and the consumer unit, it supplies variable power for hot water depending upon the excess energy being generated. Typical savings are around £55 per year for a gas boiler and £80 for electrically-heated water.

Energeno has introduced its Optimmersion and Optiplug products at Solar Power UK 2012.

Optiplug is a smart socket which collates data on how much energy appliances around the home are using and switches power to them only when enough surplus energy is available to run them.

Both technologies ensure that householders have greater control over their energy use when they are not at home and ensure they are not paying for expensive electricity bought in on the day from their energy provider. This also means that in the majority of cases they are not affecting the revenue they generate from the Feed-in-Tariff.

The two devices, which work through intelligent RF sensors and are linked to clever switches that calculate the excess electricity being generated, are part of a larger suite of home automation products being developed by Energeno to access free energy produced by solar PV panels. Other products in the range will be launched later in the year and during 2013.

“Thousands of people who have had solar PV fitted have become armchair experts on when to use the free electricity they are generating.” said Mark Elliott, Director at Energeno.

“However, people also have jobs to go to and cannot always be at home to make the calculations to access the free electricity. This is where smart technology comes to the fore because the devices make the calculations for you whether you are home or away,” he added.